Dear Boxing | A Photo Essay

Gabriel Lee
Sep 18, 2018


Starting something is easy, seeing it through can be a bit more difficult. There are few spaces in society where that sentiment is more prevalent than the world of Entrepreneurship. Jen, my Life Coach, knows this better than most, which is why she issued me a challenge back in August: find an activity where my progress is only evaluated by me.

The Entrepreneurial journey can be gruelling, intense and ultimately wide-ranging. Therefore, it is essential that I started being at peace with moving on from something once it is good enough. The pursuit of perfection in everything isn’t sustainable when the goal is to be one of the voices of my generation in order to serve the next one.

The activity I chose was boxing. Here’s why.

Enjoy the gallery. (Photos by: Chloe Barcelon)

Dear Boxing,
I will never be in love with you. In fact, this is strictly business.
Obsession has always come naturally me. From the refinement of my craft, to the fostering of relationships. I’ve always been eager to outwork the expectations of yesterday in order to earn everyone’s validation.
But no more. That mindset has taken me as far as it can.
With you, I’d like to learn from a place of curiosity. To derive joy from participating in an activity, not from excelling at it.
But I’m not here to ruminate about the habits that no longer serve me.
No, no … I am here to prove to myself that I’m able to develop new habits that will ensure the next phase of my life will be better than the last.
Consequently, I’m here to fight, but not against anyone else.
I’m here to fight for the launch of Gaber Inc..
… I’m here to fight for my future partner and our family.
…. & and I’m here to fight for a standard of life that’s better than what that seven-year-old boy from Quarry Bay could have dreamt of.
This isn’t love. This is commitment, dedication and responsibility. Let’s get to learning.
With respect,
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Gabriel Lee

Student of Life | Leader II Society. You can find me on Instagram : @GaberInc.